
Mental Finesse
Mindset Coaching:

"it's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not."

What Is Mindset Coaching?

One day I heard the professor say “just read these chapters and you’ll do fine on the test.” The issue was he didn’t clarify what points in the chapters were most important. Often times this is the same in life we hear what we are suppose to do but aren’t shown how to apply it, so we easily fail. Mental Finesse walks you step by step towards the person you’ve always aspired to become, by actually showing, educating, encouraging, and allowing both truth and freedom to set you free!! No longer do you have to say “I wish I could do that!” Instead you’ll be empowered to KNOW YOU CAN!

Personal Life Coaching Is For:









“College has been a roller coaster for me over the past year. Trying to stay on top of my classes, while wanting to please my parents, really messed with me. I knew I needed help when I couldn’t sleep, but I kept going! I hit a wall when I had a panic attack during class. I’ve never had panic attacks in my life. I told my friend what happened and she told me about Mental Finesse. At first I was worried because financially I didn’t know how I would afford it. I was blown away when I found out the pricing for students! It was simple to do, and the quality is so much higher than anything I’ve ever experienced. I am no longer scared, and I can sleep!!!! Thank you guys so much.”
“It started when I was up all hours of the night with my little and thought this was a part of the normal stages of infancy. It hadn’t dawned on me that my little should be easing into sleeping on her own without the assistance of myself every night. It was by sheer luck where I stumbled on the Mental Finesse website and found the dire help I so needed. I was able to organize a plan with the coaches and get my baby on a regular sleeping routine, while also getting the sleep I so needed! Thank you Georgia and Jessica!”
“As a pastor I find myself tending to/counseling my congregation. Along the way I had forgotten about myself. When I gave Mental Finesse a go, I wanted to see what they could do for me. What kind of perspective they could offer me, and it blew me away. Now I am refueled to help my congregation in a whole new way. Thank you Mental Finesse!”
Playing sports has always been a major deal in my life. I want to be the best basketball player in the world!! No doubt, no doubt. My Coach told me about this whole new way of coaching that would help with my mental game! So I went all in on it, I wanted to see what all it had to offer. I couldn’t believe how monumental it was for me man, I’m serious. It all begins in the mind, and now that I’ve been part of Mental Finesse I am unstoppable! I know I’m the best.
“Not sure where to begin with the things I love about Mental Finesse. One thing I love is the way I am allowed to be myself freely. I get to come as I am, and I leave empowered every time. This empowerment doesn’t last for a day, but it continues on. Now I have the power to do things for myself without my hand being held. As Georgia says “the goal is for you to leave and LIVE FREE”. Thank you Georgia and thank you Jessica”.
“When I first came into Mental Finesse I had just become a first time mom. Life with a newborn was already hard enough. And to top it off I started to experience PPD! It was scary because such horrible thoughts would come to mind. I never wanted to share it with anyone but it became overwhelming! My friend told me to contact a life coaching business called Mental Finesse, and I’m so glad I did. I noticed from the first time I spoke to them I was in a safe environment to share, and I even felt loved. I am doing so good, I’ve learned coping skills, and how to bond with my baby! I’ve also learned to offer myself grace, and take care of my personal wellbeing. If you’re a momma having a hard time, don’t hesitate to invest in yourself.”
“First and foremost I want to thank Mental Finesse for helping me in my marriage! I couldn’t be more grateful for the experience my wife and I have shared since being part of your program. We have a newfound vision for the direction we want to go. We have learned how to express ourselves openly without causing one another to close off. We’ve also learned a lot about our ways of speaking to one another. At first I didn’t know how to host a conversation with my wife without it escalating! Now this is not the case, we are both able to be heard! If you are looking for marital help, look no further. We are so grateful for Mental Finesse!”
“I was a day away from taking my own life, it was like I was in a dark whole and couldn’t get out. It wasn’t until I was connected with Mental Finesse where I began to feel like me again. The way they reached out to me, offered me a new found hope and restored my want to live and be better for my kids. I’m alive and doing better than I ever have.”
“My boyfriend and I were together 17 years, and have two babies but for some reason we couldn’t commit. I was frustrated because our lives had no real direction. I felt like everyone around me was happy in their marriages, or relationships but I wasn’t. When we came to Mental Finesse, we found understanding and exactly what we needed! I learned more about my boyfriend than I ever had, and he learned a lot about me. Here we are, and we’re stronger than ever. He proposed to me earlier this year, and I know that wouldn’t be possible without all we learned. Thank you Georgia and Jessica.”
“At 60 years of age I didn’t believe I could make any more changes. Mental Finesse has helped me make more changes than I imagined. From my mind, to my marriage, and my overall life! If you’re looking to change your life, you won’t leave disappointed.”

"Just a reminder: you're not done. You're not stuck. It's not over for you. It's time for you to live free."

Meet the Team

Georgia Smith

I take you back to the future to present day where you are right now! Stepping alongside you as you reprogram your thinking, and overcome obstacles in your mind. Maybe you’ve felt alone before, but in this you’re not alone as I will always be holding your hand as you navigate life’s various aspects. There is no one fit all method because you are unique in your design! So each aspect of our sessions are cultivated for you and only you. Giving you freedom to not onIy make your own choices but know why you’re making your these choices. Your voice will be heard as well as your voice will be strengthened. You will not only feel capable to thrive you will feel capable to fly! And you’ll know how to fly given your confidence in utilizing newfound tools of effective communication, strategies, and exercises. (Certified Professional Life Coach / Psychologist)

Jessica Smith

I take you to the very beginning all over again whether you are an adult client or a baby. There are aspects of your childhood that have been translated into your adulthood today. The attachment you received growing up has shaped the way in which you have developed. This doesn’t criticize the parenting you received because at the time this may have been all your parents knew to do due to their own upbringing. I embrace you with loving arms as you understand the attachment you didn’t receive, and learn how to not only receive it but express it yourself. As you walk through the beginning you all the sudden develop a newfound secure attachment you never knew. This work towards a secure attachment allows for healthier relationships in your: marriage, friendships, co-parenting, parenting, and overall life. (Bachelors in Public Health / Attachment Specialist)

Let Us Help You

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Mental Finesse LLC


tel: (520)-429-4660

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    Some Numbers on Mental Finesse

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    Your mind is more powerful than anything found in a prescription bottle.

    Mental Finesse LLC © 2020 All Rights Reserved 


    tel: (520)-429-4660